Go Do Good
Increase Your Impact with
The Macfarlan Group
Our Focus on Board Leadership
Leadership After Dark is a new component within our practice.
Here is how to engage us.
Leadership Development
Develop a tailored internal civic leadership program that integrates your organization's core values with the Leadership After Dark curated curriculum to increase talent development recruitment and retention practices.
Community Outreach
Extend your community outreach program by sponsoring a community cohort filled with your clients, other small business owners, and community leaders.
Empower a Nonprofit Board
Sponsor board management training events for nonprofit organizations you and your firm support.
Strengthening nonprofits to serve more
Clarity, Control, Confidence
With you and your leadership, The Macfarlan Group strengthens three core organizational components to secure the future you imagine.
Strategic Planning
Clarity in where you are going
We provide a proven strategic planning process that maximizes your impact.
Leadership Development
Confidence in taking your organization to the next level
We develop leaders through individual and select group coaching to organization wide events. We customize our programming to reflect your organizational culture or work to improve it.
Operational Effectiveness
Control over how to grow and serve more
We create a data driven strategy for your organization to achieve greater impact.